• Mae'r wefan hon ar gael yn y Gymraeg

Data Cymru Blog

  • Blog

    Ieuan leaves us for pastures new after almost exactly five years of working with us. We asked him to share his reflections on his time here and why pursuing a career in data is a smart move for any graduate.

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    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor
  • Blog

    Since 2017, Data Cymru has committed to comply with the Welsh Language Standards, as set out by the Welsh Government under Section 44 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011. These standards set clear expectations for us to provide services in Welsh to our customers, and to promote the use of the Welsh language for all services. It includes standards we must comply with in service delivery, policy making, operations and record keeping.

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    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor
  • Blog

    We, along with our colleagues in Welsh Government's Data and Digital team, drafted a blog setting out our vision for bringing people together from across the public sector to discuss the data issues we are all facing.


    If the last year or two has taught us anything, it’s the importance of working together. We’ve seen first-hand how sharing knowledge and expertise can help deal with the most difficult of challenges. However, if you work with data, whether you’re a data scientist, a data management expert, involved in data sharing or just use data as part of your day job, this is sometimes easier said than done.

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    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor
  • Blog

    As we launch our DataBasicCymru training programme and our DataBasicCymru+ training package, developed in partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Data Orchard, I thought I’d share with you the top three lessons I’ve learnt from being immersed in the development of DataBasicCymru over the past 18 months.

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    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor
  • Blog

    So, my last week at Data Cymru has arrived. As my retirement (early!!) becomes a reality, I have found myself reflecting on my time at Data Cymru and my career more generally.

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    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor
  • Blog

    This annual roundup is like no other. The last twelve months have been extremely challenging for communities across Wales and for the organisations (both public and private) that serve them. Families have lost loved ones, services have been put under pressure, and the economy has been strained. However, amidst these difficulties there are reasons for optimism. Services continue to be delivered, the rollout of the vaccination programme is progressing at pace, most children are returning to school, and deaths and case numbers are declining. None of this would be possible without the dedication and professionalism of our public, private, and third sector colleagues.

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    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor
  • Blog

    This week sees the publication of three new webpages; focusing on open data, data science and social research. These webpages are designed to introduce you to the topic, to explain our vision for implementing across the Welsh public sector, and to set out what we plan to do to help make the vision a reality. We also include some useful resources for further reading, such as links to relevant blogs, case studies, and user guides alongside information about future events and any other news that might be of interest. So, keep your eyes peeled! 

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    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor
  • Blog

    Back in 2016 a study published by IBM ("10 key marketing trends for 2017") suggested that 90% of the world’s data had been created in the previous twelve months, with many data analysts predicting that the digital universe would be 40 times bigger by 2020. While on the surface, this figure seems staggering, perhaps it isn’t so surprising when we consider the amount of data we collect on a daily basis, particularly in a professional context. The opportunities this presents to learn more about our communities, their needs and their experiences is inspiring. And yet, it can also be overwhelming – how do I unlock the insight? Where do I begin?

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  • Blog

    In our previous blog, we explained how your engagement at our inaugural open data events had highlighted the need for us to create an online ‘hub’ to support you in publishing your open data. We recognised the need for this to be a collaborative effort. After all, we want to make sure that the hub is easy for everyone to use.

    So, what have we done so far?...

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  • Blog

    We hosted our first open data event in Colwyn Bay in July and our second in Ebbw Vale in September. A big thanks to everyone who attended. We got some good insight and positive feedback. Overall, I was impressed by just how much work was already going on in Wales and the appetite to really kick on and do more. There’s a real sense of momentum brewing.

    I said it at our events, but since taking up the open data mantle at Data Cymru, one of the most intriguing challenges has come with our somewhat unique position within Wales. We’re an organisation involved in almost all aspects of data – we collect it from local authorities and other public bodies, we source it from data providers, we manage it in our internal systems, and we disseminate/share it through a plethora of tools. Put simply, we cover almost anything to do with data!

    So, we’re in a great position to promote and make Wales a pioneering country in its use of open data. But to do so, we need to make sure our package of support is appropriate and well targeted.

    Our events have really helped to clarify the challenges you face and the solutions we can offer.

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