• Mae'r wefan hon ar gael yn y Gymraeg

Our data work

We play a central role in ensuring that data meets the needs of our ‘core’ audience by representing the views of local government in Wales around issues such as the Census, and population and migration data. We also hold a wealth of data available in maps, tables and reports in our national system InfoBaseCymru. To see the data we hold in InfoBaseCymru, use the menu on the right. You can also view some of our most popular data using the links below.


As well as the national data available in our InfoBaseCymru system, we support local government and its partners to collect other data. We can support your organisation with its data collection needs. We already work across local authority services to provide support for benchmarking activity. This work includes provision of collection forms, management of the collection activity and providing data in usable intelligent formats. We provide support across the majority of services operating in local authorities.


We can also provide support for collecting qualitative information through surveys and questionnaires. Again, the support we can provide varies based on the needs of the individual. We can help develop and test questions, as well as offering an online survey service which uses fully bilingual software. We can also provide analysis of the survey results.


Please get in touch to discuss how we can support your data needs.


Find information on the deprivation of your area, data on housing, crime and the make-up of your population.

See the data

Find information on the health of children in your area, as well as data on how they are performing at school. You can also find data on what young people are doing after reaching the end of compulsory schooling.

See the data

Find information on the size and types of businesses in your area, the level of earnings, and economic activity of the working age population. You can also find data for Job Seeker's Allowance and other types of benefit.

See the data

Find information on the lifestyle of your population, those using medical services, and those suffering from medical conditions all taken from the Welsh Health survey. You can also find data on social care provision in your area, as well as the health of children from conception and other useful health information.

See the data

Find information on the physical environment, CO2 emissions, traffic volumes, energy consumption and flood risk. You can also find data on the quality of the road network and road casualties.

See the data

Find information from the 2021 Census on the make-up of the population, ranging from Welsh language skills, or how people travel to work to their marital status.

See the data

Local authorities across Wales are required to report on a number of Performance Indicators each year. There are two types of indicator – National Strategic Indicators (NSIs) which are set by Welsh Government, and Public Accountability Measures (PAMs) set by local government. The information shown here is a combination of both of these sets of indicators.

See the data

Some of our work


InfobaseCymru provides easy access to a wide range of information for Wales.

Thriving Places Wales

Thriving Places Wales has been developed in partnership between Data Cymru and Happy City, and is based on The Centre for Thriving Places Thriving Places Index.

Local systems

Local systems allow policy makers and citizens to access, analyse, map and download local and national data sets with relative ease.

Data Updates

31 August 2024 09:30:00

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Here you’ll find all of our InfoBase news including updates on the system and its content.

Entitlement to Attendance Allowance (latest quarter, 2024)

Entitlement to Attendance Allowance data for December 2023 - February 2024 is now available following a release by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Entitlement to Disability Living Allowance (latest quarter, 2024)

Entitlement to Disability Living Allowance data for December 2023 - February 2024 is now available following a release by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Job Seeker’s Allowance claimant count (July 2024)

The latest (July 2024) Job Seeker’s Allowance claimant count is now available following a release by the Office for National Statistics.

Average house prices (June 2024)

The data for June 2024 for average house prices is now available following a release by the Land Registry.

Average class size (AY 2023-24)

The data for AY 2023-24 for average class size is now available following a release by the Welsh Government.

Pupils and schools (AY 2023-24)

The data for AY 2023-24 for pupils and schools is now available following a release by Welsh Government.

Welsh in schools (AY 2023-24)

The data for AY 2023-24 for Welsh in schools is now available following a release by Welsh Government.

National identity of pupils (2024)

The 2024 data for the national identity of pupils is now available following a release by the Welsh Government.