• Mae'r wefan hon ar gael yn y Gymraeg

Posts From October, 2021

  • DataCymru

    “There is no such thing as failure, only learning experiences” – Anon.

    Today we have launched our webinar programme of events, which aims to inform and inspire.

    In our first webinar, “Understanding future skills requirements: data for the green revolution”, our colleague Dan will be talking about his research around the skills demands that are likely to arise with the rapid growth of the green economy. Join us to learn more about the research, the underlying data and to explore some of the key findings.

    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor

    Categories: Publication
  • DataCymru

    We’ve published a geography lookup table to help you understand which local authority, ward or local health board a postcode is in. We’ve made this available as a result of demand from users wanting to use this information e.g. vaccination centres, to understand which local authority/local health board a person’s postcode belongs.

    The table contains the names, descriptions, and identification codes of Welsh statistical geographies, from postcode through to local health board, and how they relate to each other.

    The data is updated quarterly following a release by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

    The table can be found in our tools OpenDataWales and InfoBaseCymru.

    Posted by
    y Golygydd / the Editor