Data Cymru and the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) will be hosting a workshop on ‘Evaluating frontline services - WHAT WORKS?’ on Wednesday 12 February 2020 at Local Government House, Drake Walk, Cardiff, CF10 4LG from 10:00 – 14:00 (Lunch from 13:00).
What's it about?
If you’re involved in the commissioning or delivery of public or voluntary sector services, you most likely already understand the importance of:
- Understanding the effectiveness of your services.
- Improving how services are evaluated.
- Gaining greater understanding of service impact on communities and well-being.
If you:
- Have challenges with undertaking effective evaluation either as a commissioner or someone who delivers services.
- Have experiences to share, good or bad that might help us better understand how to carry out effective evaluation in work environments that are faced with multiple challenges and priorities.
- Are keen to make a difference.
- You may be interested in becoming part of a ‘Community of Enquiry’ dialogue between the voluntary and public sector that explores and tackles how to realistically assess and measure service effectiveness, and the impact of services on communities and well-being.
Why should you attend?
You should attend if you:
- Are involved in the commissioning, or delivery of voluntary or public sector services.
- Are involved in the evaluation of commissioned services.
- Have something to say or learn about these things.
Register your place now by completing the online registration form below. Places at the event are limited, so register early to avoid disappointment. The closing date for registration is 31 January 2020.
Work in the public sector? – register here
Work in the voluntary sector? – register here
Please contact Leanne Teichner on 029 2090 9500 / Leanne.Teichner@data.cymru or Mair Rigby on 029 2043 1761 / mrigby@wcva.cymru if you have any queries regarding this event.