Thursday 2 March 2017
Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff
On Thursday 2 March we held our fifth National Intelligence Event at Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff.
The key theme of the event was Planning together to improve local well-being: What works?.
The event attracted over 100 people and, in addition to representatives from the majority of local authorities in Wales, there were also delegates from health and the third sector.
The event was opened by the Chair of the Data Unit Board, Councillor Jeff James, followed by Christopher Stevens, Head of Planning and Partnership Branch and Claire Germain Head of Local Government Partnerships, Welsh Government. Chris and Claire held a question and answer session which stimulated lots of discussion.
We also heard from Liz Zeidler, Chief Executive from Happy City. Liz shared the learning from Happy City including their tools and approaches for sustainable well-being for all.
The event also attracted many exhibitors:
There were a number of breakout sessions with speakers from the Office for National Statistics, Welsh Government, Canal & River Trust, Coventry University, Sustainable Places Research Institute, Cardiff University, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, Office of the Older People’s Commissioner, Social Services Improvement Agency, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner and Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Wellbeing (CISHeW).
The day was brought to a close with Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner who shared her reflections on the draft assessments on local well-being and her thoughts and expectations for the coming year. This was followed by a Q&A session with the Commissioner.
Looking back looking forward
Chris Stevens – Head of Planning and Partnership Branch, Social Services and Integration Directorate
Claire Germain - Head of Local Government Partnerships, Welsh Government
Learning from others
Liz Zeidler - Chief Executive, Happy City
Breakout session 1: Well-being inequalities – implications for policies and plans
Matthew Steel - Head of Quality of Life Branch, Quality of Life Team, Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Cathryn Knight - National Survey for Wales Team, Welsh Government
Breakout session 4: Preventing violence against women and girls, domestic abuse and sexual violence
Emma Renold - Professor of Childhood Studies, Cardiff University
Rhian Bowen-Davies - National Adviser for Violence against Women, other forms of Gender-Based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence, Welsh Government
Breakout session 5 – From population needs assessments to area plans
Tony Garthwaite - SSIA Associate, Social Services Improvement Agency
Rebecca Cicero - Programme Co-ordinator, Social Services Improvement Agency
Breakout session 6: Supporting well-being planning
Heledd Morgan and Tanya Nash, Heads of Performance, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner
Breakout session 7: Understanding and building resilient communities
Dr. Eva Elliott - Academic Researcher and Senior Lecturer, Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Wellbeing (CISHeW)
The programme is available here. Mae'r ddogfen yma hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg.

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